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ADICE is a non profit organisation operating since 2000 from local to international level for the social and professional promotion of people with fewer opportunities (young at risk, migrants, unemployed people, non qualified people, people living in poor district or rural areas.

In that sense, ADICE is active in the field of international mobility and fight against discrimination:

international mobility as a mean for personal, cultural and professional development; we are therefore offering an individual support to any person wishing to get a valuable experience abroad in the frame of national, European or international program of mobility (Voluntary Civil Service, European Voluntary Service, Leonardo da Vinci internship…)

fight against discrimination as a source for equal opportunities for our target group: participation to national and European actions (Testing, round tables) and projects (INTI).

ADICE is based in Roubaix, north of France, close to important European capital (Brussels, Paris, London, Amsterdam) in a very diverse region : rural/urban; long history of immigration, economic reconversion (from industry to service and culture).